Cross-Canada Infrastructure Corridor, The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ‘Meaningful Consultation’
While the law is increasingly clear with respect to Crown consultation and accommodation obligations, the context-dependent nature of the legal framework presents significant challenges for pursuit of the corridor project, given its linear and relatively abstract natures. Further, this area of the law is evolving, particularly as governments move toward implementing UNDRIP.
Join Prof.David Wright to hear about his recently published research paper which explores the diverse contexts of Indigenous rights and interests present in Canada today, provides clarity with respect to the concept of “meaningful consultation” in contemporary Canadian jurisprudence, and relates this body of law to the corridor concept.
The Canadian Northern Corridor Concept
To undertake such a vast project as a Canadian Northern Corridor (CNC), significant expertise is needed to examine the many facets of the corridor concept including financial, legal, geographical, socio-economic, environmental, regulatory, governance and policy dimensions.
Join Drs.Katharina Koch,Alaz MunzurandG. Kent Fellowsto get a sense of the scope that is necessary to establish the feasibility of a CNC, and pose some of your burning questions.
Climate Change and Implications for the Proposed Canadian Northern Corridor
Join Dr. Tristan Pearce, Dr. James D. Ford, and Mr. David Fawcett to better understand how climate change impacts may affect the feasibility and costs of some infrastructure, creating on-going challenges to operations of a proposed Canadian Northern Corridor. Their paper examines how climate change impacts including permafrost thaw, sea ice loss, extreme weather events, and changes in coastal processes, among other impacts, could threaten the construction, maintenance, and operation of infrastructure within the proposed Canadian Northern Corridor. They’ll also discuss further research that is needed in this area.
Financing and Funding Approaches for Establishment, Governance and Regulatory Oversight of the Canadian Northern Corridor
A proposed Canadian Northern Corridor (CNC) would require an assembler that assembles the land rights and grants use rights to specific infrastructure providers within the corridor.
Join us to hear Drs. Anthony Boardman, Mark Moore and Aidan Vining discuss their work examining alternative means of financing and funding a CNC, and have a chance to pose your questions.